
§ Legislation

The municipalities, Capital and Historical Royal Capital have introduced temporary residence fee by means of their regulations.

The temporary residence fee shall be a lump sum amount paid by the person who, outside of their permanent place of residence, uses accommodation services in a facility providing tourist or hospitality industry services. The accommodation facilities shall be considered to imply the following: hotels, motels, boarding houses, tourist apartments, resorts, camps, mountain lodges, rooms for rent and any other facility where accommodation services are provided.

Foreign citizens shall pay the temporary residence fee under the same conditions as well.

The temporary residence fee shall not be paid by:

Collection of the temporary residence fee shall be executed by the legal entity or physical person who provides accommodation services.

Accommodation provider shall charge the temporary residence fee at the same time when charging accommodation service. Should accommodation provider not collect the temporary residence fee, it shall be obliged to pay for the amount of non-collected temporary residence fee at its own expense.

The revenues collected from temporary residence fee shall belong to the tourist organization.

The revenues collected from the temporary residence fee shall be used as follows: